Today as I sat correcting papers late into the night, I was struck by how often I seek for THE answer. As if in life, there is only one solution. I teach Geography, which as many of you know is a Social Science in which one plus one CAN equal three! The answer in Social Studies mentality is often grey. Many factors play a role in how History happens. What would have happened if we hadn't spoken English during WW2 (we speak it by one sole vote.)? What is Washington hadn't been able to cross the Delaware? What if the French had stayed out of the Revolutionary War or Heaven forbid came in on the side of the British (yeah, I know, fat chance of that ever happening!)? What if Germany had developed the Atom bomb first? What if the Japanese had found our injured carriers instead of us finding their fleet? For many, this is a world filled with random circumstance, pure chance, an alignment of the stars if you will. But for the faithful, it is a testimony that God is with us in the small and great moments.
In the heavy rush of the day, it is so easy to mistake the miracles for simple luck. Was it luck that I hugged my daughter? Am I just one of the lucky ones to have good kids, or is it a freaking miracle that such stellar kids came from me? (Those who really know me, know it is the latter.) How many times each day am I blessed by my guardian angel (Hi Mom!) with safety, security, or just a feeling of love that I desperately needed? Can we slow down and recognize the blessings of the Allmighty? (Maybe turn off the music and TV for an hour. (Boy this is the pot calling the kettle black! I am a slight TV/Computer addict.)) Can we take the special moment to make that person feel appreciated? I have found that more often than not when I need to feel the love of The Lord that it is the people around me who bear His love to me! Indeed, I stand as a witness of the Love of God. Thank you Paul for your unselfish help when I so dearly needed it! Thank you Kat for loving me despite my faults! Thank you Aaron for recognizing my love of the little children and finding the perfect calling in Nursery! Thanks to my friend Diamond for the hug of a brother each time we meet and for making me feel so very loved! Thanks to Brent for being such fun friend to blow things up! Thanks to Todd for taking my on a trip to so many cities as a chaperone! Thanks to Vince for being my friend for over two decades through thick and thin! (Mostly thick for me! I may have gained some weight over the years!) (p.s. thanks for not shooting me like I asked. ;)) Most of all, thanks for eternity to my Savior for blessing me far beyond measure, for making it possible to have a forever family, to fix what is broken, restore that which is lost, and for being my true friend no matter how I acted. Yes, my friends, with Jesus Christ on our side there is nothing, no nothing that we cannot do!