2014 State of the Union Address
The amount of rhetoric in the State of the Union Address, no matter which party is in office, is difficult to find meaning or purpose for our country in. Do you find meaning in the non-functional Obamacare which most of America is afraid to signup for? Do you find meaning in job creation that barely keeps pace with retirements and people quitting? Do you find meaning in an economy that is as bad or worse than the one we inherited from Jimmy Carter in 1978? Perhaps you find meaning in the cutting of food stamps that mostly affects those least able to afford it. Perhaps you find meaning in the rhetoric about how proud the President is of the military, but doesn't support the any branches of it or those in harms way overseas. Perhaps you look forward to a state that takes from the rich and gives to the poor at unprecedented rates, yet the lifestyle and outlook of the average American is worse than any in the last 20 years. Average rates of income are down, full time employment is down, gas prices are way up, home ownership is at a decade low and declarations of Bankruptcy is at an all time high in the history of our nation. All from a President who doesn't seem to like America very much. A President who wants to change how the American Dream works. Who wants to gift prosperity to the next generation, while the previous generation would have said hard work and dedication are what is required. It is then that I most need to remember that no matter what happens here in America or what calamity strikes in the world, The Lord is in Charge.
I know that my Savior has already paid the price for my sins and the sins of the world. I know that the endgame is already written and God wins. I know that if I have faith and stay focused on His kingdom and the service I offer here, then the rest of the stuff will all work out. The opponents of God's Laws may win an ephemeral victory now and again, but it is at best fleeting and transitory. God will heal all wounds, change minds, and help the world to see things as they really are, not as people seem to want it to be. Yes, God is in Charge of your life and mine. He is the architect of perfection and someday every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. All of this is already written. May you find Peace this day and Always in the sure knowledge that God loves us, and he is indeed in charge of this world. It will all work out in the end.
I know that my Savior has already paid the price for my sins and the sins of the world. I know that the endgame is already written and God wins. I know that if I have faith and stay focused on His kingdom and the service I offer here, then the rest of the stuff will all work out. The opponents of God's Laws may win an ephemeral victory now and again, but it is at best fleeting and transitory. God will heal all wounds, change minds, and help the world to see things as they really are, not as people seem to want it to be. Yes, God is in Charge of your life and mine. He is the architect of perfection and someday every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. All of this is already written. May you find Peace this day and Always in the sure knowledge that God loves us, and he is indeed in charge of this world. It will all work out in the end.
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