
Friday, October 3, 2014

Fragile and Precious Life

My Mom
Also My Mom (Really Kathy's Mom, but I love her like my Mom.)

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
     Today was brought home the fragility of life and the ephemeral time that we have on this Earth.  For a time today Ma Brown was really sick and the very real possibility that her time was complete on the Earth was brought home.  When I lost my Mother over 11 years ago now, I didn't think that anyone else would bring up such a well of emotion  and sense of loss as had losing your mother in your 30's.  I was wrong.  When I heard about my mother in laws illness and potentially life threatening surgery and illness, all the sense of loss and love came crashing home.  I found myself walling that emotion behind defenses to allow myself to function at my job.  In the back of my mind all day were thought of the love, joy, and happy and sad times I shared with both these women whom I consider to be my MOM.  Even now the tears well up and the emotion is close to the surface as I contemplate the time not far distant when I will be the Elder generation.  When I will be what kids think of as grandparents and the generation that is totally out of touch, but one that loves nonetheless for lack of understanding. 
      Today as I was brought face to face with the reality of my own mortality, I prayed more fervently, spoke more kindly, thought more clearly, loved more fully, sang more joyously, and thanked God more for the blessings of this life and for having had these two wonderful women in my life to teach me about compassion, joy, and living meaningfully.  I am also thankful that, at least for the moment, God has chosen to leave my Mom here for me to learn from for a little while longer.  I pray that it is for years to come and that I will be learning life lessons from my Mom for years to come.  I hope that today you can take the time to communicate your love and thanks to those who so deeply affected your growing.  That you can thank your Father in Heaven for the plan which allows us to enjoy the bonds of family and of love beyond this Earthly Veil.  Once again, and probably not for the last time, the Lord has reminded me of how empty the afterlife would be without the bonds of love forged in this life.  To spend the Eternities without those people who are most dear to my heart and soul would be a tragedy.  Thank God for His Tender Mercies in allowing us to be family for time and all Eternity.  My brothers and sisters, I am so thankful that you are a part of my Eternal Family.  May this day bring joy and love to your heart. 

Brother Carv

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Process of Conversion

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
     I am often struck by the emails I receive, or heaven forbid, the Facebook posts that seem to attempt to destroy faith, seed doubt, or make someone question their ideals.  In the United States today, it seems that faith is mocked, devote people ridiculed, and anything touching on God is TABOO!  Faith in a higher power has always been a central tenant of our Republic.  It has been the source of much of our Judicial system and laws and was certainly on the minds of our Founding Fathers.  The quotes are long and specific about the need for a religious compass or moral grounding that comes from the Bible and in many cases organized religion.
      With the moral decay that seems to have beset our world, it is more important to have that internal compass, that moral rudder, that helps me to see what is true and right.  For me, that is Jesus Christ and His Gospel.  For me, the spiritual support I receive means I have more up days than down.  Even when life seems to be conspiring against me, I feel his love.  His light, and I believe eventual victory, brings light to increasing darkness and despair.  To those who know me, I am not a perfect man.  I work hard each day to be just a little better, reach just a little higher, and when I fall, I turn to Him and ask for help. 
     For those who may have wandered far from the light and comfort of home (this is what the Gospel means to me.), come back and rejoice with us in His love.  If you know his Gospel, delve deeper and serve with great vigor!  If you have no idea who Jesus Christ is, but would like to know, please feel free to message me (lots of option here) and I will happily discuss it with you.  I will be forever thankful to my friend for introducing me to Jesus Christ.  As Robert Frost so eloquently said, "that has made all the difference!"  May the Lord bless you this day!  May you find joy in serving in his kingdom.  May his light shine through your words, acts, and life.  May you find, as I have, that Jesus Christ can be your best friend, He is your elder brother, and He is our Savior!

Carv Wilson

Monday, May 19, 2014

Nothing is Impossible with Christ our Lord!

     Today as I sat correcting papers late into the night, I was struck by how often I seek for THE answer.  As if in life, there is only one solution.  I teach Geography, which as many of you know is a Social Science in which one plus one CAN equal three!  The answer in Social Studies mentality is often grey.  Many factors play a role in how History happens.  What would have happened if we hadn't spoken English during WW2 (we speak it by one sole vote.)?  What is Washington hadn't been able to cross the Delaware?  What if the French had stayed out of the Revolutionary War or Heaven forbid came in on the side of the British (yeah, I know, fat chance of that ever happening!)?  What if Germany had developed the Atom bomb first?  What if the Japanese had found our injured carriers instead of us finding their fleet?  For many, this is a world filled with random circumstance, pure chance, an alignment of the stars if you will.  But for the faithful, it is a testimony that God is with us in the small and great moments. 
     In the heavy rush of the day, it is so easy to mistake the miracles for simple luck.  Was it luck that I hugged my daughter?  Am I just one of the lucky ones to have good kids, or is it a freaking miracle that such stellar kids came from me?  (Those who really know me, know it is the latter.)  How many times each day am I blessed by my guardian angel (Hi Mom!) with safety, security, or just a feeling of love that I desperately needed?  Can we slow down and recognize the blessings of the Allmighty?  (Maybe turn off the music and TV for an hour. (Boy this is the pot calling the kettle black!  I am a slight TV/Computer addict.))  Can we take the special moment to make that person feel appreciated?  I have found that more often than not when I need to feel the love of The Lord that it is the people around me who bear His love to me!  Indeed, I stand as a witness of the Love of God.  Thank you Paul for your unselfish help when I so dearly needed it!  Thank you Kat for loving me despite my faults!  Thank you Aaron for recognizing my love of the little children and finding the perfect calling in Nursery!  Thanks to my friend Diamond for the hug of a brother each time we meet and for making me feel so very loved!  Thanks to Brent for being such fun friend to blow things up!  Thanks to Todd for taking my on a trip to so many cities as a chaperone!  Thanks to Vince for being my friend for over two decades through thick and thin!  (Mostly thick for me!  I may have gained some weight over the years!) (p.s. thanks for not shooting me like I asked. ;)) Most of all, thanks for eternity to my Savior for blessing me far beyond measure, for making it possible to have a forever family, to fix what is broken, restore that which is lost, and for being my true friend no matter how I acted.  Yes, my friends, with Jesus Christ on our side there is nothing, no nothing that we cannot do!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Lord is in Charge

2014 State of the Union Address
     The amount of rhetoric in the State of the Union Address, no matter which party is in office, is difficult to find meaning or purpose for our country in.  Do you find meaning in the non-functional Obamacare which most of America is afraid to signup for?  Do you find meaning in job creation that barely keeps pace with retirements and people quitting?  Do you find meaning in an economy that is as bad or worse than the one we inherited from Jimmy Carter in 1978?  Perhaps you find meaning in the cutting of food stamps that mostly affects those least able to afford it.  Perhaps you find meaning in the rhetoric about how proud the President is of the military, but doesn't support the any branches of it or those in harms way overseas.  Perhaps you look forward to a state that takes from the rich and gives to the poor at unprecedented rates, yet the lifestyle and outlook of the average American is worse than any in the last 20 years.  Average rates of income are down, full time employment is down, gas prices are way up, home ownership is at a decade low and declarations of Bankruptcy is at an all time high in the history of our nation.  All from a President who doesn't seem to like America very much.  A President who wants to change how the American Dream works.  Who wants to gift prosperity to the next generation, while the previous generation would have said hard work and dedication are what is required.  It is then that I most need to remember that no matter what happens here in America or what calamity strikes in the world, The Lord is in Charge.
     I know that my Savior has already paid the price for my sins and the sins of the world.  I know that the endgame is already written and God wins.  I know that if I have faith and stay focused on His kingdom and the service I offer here, then the rest of the stuff will all work out.  The opponents of God's Laws may win an ephemeral victory now and again, but it is at best fleeting and transitory.  God will heal all wounds, change minds, and help the world to see things as they really are, not as people seem to want it to be.  Yes, God is in Charge of your life and mine.  He is the architect of perfection and someday every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.  All of this is already written.  May you find Peace this day and Always in the sure knowledge that God loves us, and he is indeed in charge of this world.  It will all work out in the end.