
Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Storm Rages

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
      Have you ever felt as if you were being blown to and fro by hurricane strength winds?  Weighed down by the accumulation of snow like troubles?  Have you ever been so tired that it is difficult to keep your head above water in the choppy sea of life?  The waves of calamity keep crashing down, so that you can barely stand?  Have you ever wondered how you could endure one more moment?  As the storms of life mount, the noise grows, and my strength wans, I find myself increasingly turning to Christ to buoy me up and support what is too often an impossible weight. 
     In my experience, Christ calms the troubled waters of my soul and speaks peace to my excited mind.  In my darkest hours, through death and pain, Christ has comforted me and continues to do so.  With the untimely death of my mother, now almost 12 years ago, I would find myself lost in the depths of mourning.   A sadness would overtake me so much so that I could almost taste it.  I can remember picking up the phone and dialing part of her number before realizing that she wouldn't answer in this life.  I am forever thankful to my Savior Jesus Christ who applied the Balm of Gilead to my wounded, bleeding heart.  He helped me to see that my family could still be a Forever Family in the Gospel.  He is my friend, my brother, and my Savior.  He can lift up the broken hearted, lift up the lame, help the blind to see, and even restore life where it has fled.  I KNOW that Jesus Christ lives and loves me.  I feel his spirit so often in so many ways.  If you have need of a friend, a brother, or a Savior, I know that you can find all three in Jesus of Nazareth.  He can help you to find peace and joy in the midst of whatever trials currently assail you.  The Captain of my Soul will do far more with my life as I listen to his Holy Spirit than ever I can. 
     To my friend who wonders, you are not alone.  The Savior of the World loves you far more than I do and is waiting for you to ask for help.  He will provide you help in your time of need.  When you can no longer go on, He will carry you.  Know that I will be there anytime, and anyplace, even if your Ox isn't in the mire.  Christ can and is always with those who love and obey Him.  Place your Faith in Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and they will never fail you.  May he guide you in all that you do and bless you for your obedience.  May he literally calm your personal storm.  God Bless!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Power of the Scriptures

My dear brothers and sisters,
       Life seems to have so many questions.  Questions about our purpose, questions about our pathway, and the ever important question of why.  So many people search the world's wisdom to try and find solutions.  We create endless agencies, policies, and patterns intended to solve the problem.  In my life, I have found that the easiest solution is to turn to the Lord in word and deed.  On bended knee, I have often found solutions to the mazes of life that seemed impossible before.  Within the Holy Scriptures I have often found ideas, plans, and pathways that made my journey easier, offered comfort to my aching heart, and joy to my needy soul.  The lights of prayer and scripture study can solve any problem and help you see the best in those around you.  They illuminate my soul and help me seek out imperfections within myself and with the Lord's help repair them and draw closer to Him.  May you find the joy of communing with the Lord.  May you find the rest you need within his arms and in his word. 

I wrote the following poem about how the scriptures enlighten my life and I hope you enjoy it.


Scriptures illuminate a pathway to Jesus,
Followers seek it and kneel at his feet,
Searching for wisdom within its pages,
Laying personal foundations of eternity.
Chosen in small, insignificant moments,
Nourish and strengthen the light inside,
Simple habits seemingly so meaningless,
Have planned effect not just randomness.
Life's decisions a Saintly testing place,
While in the world a big, nasty, rat race,
Each challenge fire to burn off our dross,
Refined, defined by natural weakness lost.
Gospel light now shines brilliant bright,
Reflected from our Savior's Holy Light.

by L. Carvel Wilson

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Saving Grace

My dear brothers and sisters,
     Each week as I attend church and worship Christ, I am inspired by the talks given during Sacrament meeting.  I dabble in poetry and hope that you can see how much I adore my Savior.  He is my hope of salvation.  He helps me to be the best person I can be.  I owe him so much more than I can ever hope to repay.  Please know that he can have a profound effect on you as well.  May you find joy in your relationship with him. 

Saving Grace

How can we know the unknowable?
A spirit without any discernible shape?
Everywhere yet nowhere present,
Oh what a confusing sad state.
For God is literally our Father,
Of our souls that inside reside,
He knows of your sore struggles,
Upon mankind he patiently waits.
He saw that we have failings,
Weaknesses of heart and mind,
Falling so short of expectations,
So the Atonement was His plan.
To save us from crimson sin stains,
Sacrificing His only Begotten Son.

by L. Carvel Wilson

      I know that regardless of where you are in your life.  Christ can wash you clean of your sins.  We can be as clean as the day we were born on a regular basis.  He can make the same difference in your life as he has in mine.  Let me know if you want to know more. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Conversion Story

My dear brothers and sisters,
      I call you that, for so you are.  We are all sons and daughters of the Most High God.  We are all descended from the same Heavenly stock.  So literally, you are my brothers and sisters. I know that he loves you and I.  I know this because our Father in Heaven sent his only begotten son in the flesh to save me from the mistakes in my life.  This was to help me be a better husband, father, and friend and someday to return to live with him.  I am blessed by my associations.  I am blessed because of the atonement of Jesus Christ.  It has real application in my life.  I find joy in the service I am able to give. 
     My conversion story is probably a lot like others out there.  I was a teenager living in an interesting home where Christ wasn't usually talked about.  I was a military brat (Air Force) and moved a couple of times before my dad retired and settled us in Sunset, Utah.  My parents loved my brother and I, but at times seemed lost themselves.   My parents were from the generation in which children are seen and not heard.  We often heard "Go play!".  I thought my life was normal until I became a teenager and was more widely exposed to the home lives of those around me.  I learned that many of my friends parents played games with them, hung out with them, and even taught them from time to time.  To say that this came as a revelation to me would be and understatement.  One family in particular had a profound impact on my life and one person in particular.  Jonathan Wendell Izatt and his family treated me like family and gave me a glimpse of what life was like inside a home much different from mine.  Jon had a peace about him that was very appealing to me, as I seemed to find very little of it at the time.  He knew who he was, where he was going, and what the purpose of life was.  But most of all, Jon was just my friend.  Eventually, he invited me to attend church with him in Clearfield.  I was welcomed by that LDS (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) ward (local unit of the church) like a long lost son.  I loved attending there.  I learned about the Gospel of Jesus Christ from normal people who were doing the best they could in life.  I learned about the Book of Mormon for what seemed like the first time. (It really wasn't but was certainly the first time it profoundly impacted my life.)  I had long talks with my friend Jon as we played endless levels of some game I can hardly remember on his green screen computer.  He shared with me his love of the scriptures, his love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and his desire to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 
     Over the course of our two year friendship a desire grew within me to have that same sense of place, that same enduring peace through all the troubles of life, and to give my life a direction it was lacking.  Slowly, through all our conversations, my own reading, and my prayers I came to know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was Christ's church restored in the Latter Days.  I wanted to share that message with the world as a missionary.  Can I tell you that this came as a severe shock to my parents?  As Robert Frost so eloquently said, "Two roads diverged. . . " and at least for my life that truly has made all the difference.  My friend introduced me to the Gospel.  He helped me gain a desire to know for my self.  He served his mission to Florida Tampa Mission, while I served in the Haiti Port-au-Prince mission.  I will be forever thankful to my friend Jon for all that he did to me.  I cannot wait to greet him in the life to come and give him the biggest hug of his life!  I will forever remember Jon smiling.  He was the most profoundly happy man I have ever met.  In September 1st of 1990, Jon was called home to the other side to work there.  I know that I will see him again.  I know too that I will see Jesus face to face and I will hug him as well.  May the Lord guide you to find out for yourself, as did I, that the Gospel is true.  I am forever grateful for the blessings of the Lord.